Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Want To Be Successful

If you ask someone what his/her life purpose, you might often have this answer: I want to be successful in life. Yes, I want to be successful too. In fact everyone does. Who doesn't?

Here are some tips of success for you:

1. Identity Your Recipe For Success.

To achieve success, we need to be consistent. True success is something you create consistently. What's your recipe for success? Identify the specifics of your successful days: What are you thinking? How do you walk? How are you breathing? What kind of people are around you? Are you taking care of your body? Did you work out today? What types of food are you putting into your body to fuel you? All of these components begin the process of identifying your special recipe for success. Once you have identified it, duplicate it consistently to maintain an upward movement of quantifiable results.

2. Eliminate The Hassles Of Life.

Suffering is optional! Stop suffering, tolerating and hoping. There's a huge addiction in our culture among entrepreneurs that's rarely recognized. It's the addiction to adrenaline. Adrenaline is a source of energy. It's not the healthiest source of energy, and yet people will do anything to get it. Adrenaline is a habit that creates an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here are some symptoms of adrenaline:
Rushing around and juggling as many projects as possible all at once.
Speeding in your car.
Always looking at the clock.
Filing up your gas tank on empty.
Messy desk with piles everywhere.
Never saying "no" to projects.
Over promising your results.

Adrenaline addiction runs rampant among entrepreneurs because the common belief holds that adrenaline equals success. Gordon Bahary, president of Electric Kingdom Records used to run his life on adrenaline. "I used to create situations that developed adrenaline. I would drink coffee, eat sugar, get hyped, angry and excited more than was necessary. I planned my execution of tasks in an erratic fashion just to get the adrenaline rush. I was dependent upon something external pushing me and used adrenaline to get through my day. Now I'm clear about my real talents and draw genuine energy from within. I have time to stop and think and gained a love for my discipline of not running on adrenaline."

The paradox of attraction is - if you want to achieve more, do less. It's called irresistible attraction. By eliminating adrenaline you naturally attract success, reduce stress, integrate all aspects of your life, simplify, and reorient around what makes you the happiest. What good is increased productivity and profitability if you're not happy?

3. Get Your Needs Met And Communicate More Effectively.

It's important to be clear about what you need and to communicate it elegantly. Needs are not optional. It's what you don't know about you that really runs you. Unmet needs can run your life, until you identify them and take complete responsibility for fulfilling them in healthy ways. Have the language you need to handle confrontations. When people avoid confrontations their lives get messy. When you have the skills to communicate effectively, you have quality relationships and restore your integrity. Learn how to come across better, listen, influence, coach, motivate, inspire and support others.

Practise this easy and fun exercise to achieve success

This is a basic visualisation exercise which is very neat to do for real when you come down a flight of steps.

For now, imagine you’re standing at the top of a flight of steps and for each step, we’ll make a wealth affirmation.

10. I am ready for wealth!
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

9. Wealth is my birthright.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

8. I achieve wealth easily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

7. Wealth comes to me readily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

6. I invite wealth to come into all I do.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

5. Wealth is my partner and my friend.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

4. Wealth is joyous and delightful.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

3. Wealth enters into all and every aspect of my life.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

2. I am on my way to wealth …
Now take a deep breath and JUMP off the last step and onto the next level:

Clap your hands and give yourself a round of applause!



thanks for the link sir..
wow! this is a great blog.
I have to read every topics in here
I been with adsense a year ago yet I still have $3 on my account too far to reach the $100 dollar minimum pay.
congrats sir simon..

Sesen said...

Thank you Sir ME for visiting my blog. You have a great blog too..